Its still midlle of December but many site use flash payer cannot open again on safari 14, legal announced from Adobe say support for flash player will be enden on 31 December 2020.
After the flashy presentations of WWDC 2020, Apple has now published more details about some of the new features that are coming to some of its products.
While Safari didn't get too much of the spotlight at WWDC, Safari 14, scheduled to be released later this fall with iOS 14 and macOS 11, is a release that is packed choke-full with features, one of them is no more flash player.
Safari 14 is also an end of an era, as this will be the first version of Safari that won't support Adobe Flash Player content.
so don't update your safari if you still need flash player for open some web app.
so how solve it, if you wash rush update your safari but still need flash player, some group discussion say, it say can't fix, just don't use flash player again.
from official adobe site say it too.
So how to fix it? there are no other solution, just use another browser for temporary.

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